Registratie in TotalEnergies' leveranciersdatabase
If you and your organization want to get in touch with TotalEnergies, you can leave your company details here by registering .
You are also requested to disclose the sector in which you work and your "package of services and / or goods ". This can be done by indicating the code used within TotalEnergies on our form . The code can be found in our "Goods & Services List" which you can view and / or download here.
The codes used are listed in the last "green" column. If you want to indicate multiple products / services, you must separate the different codes by a;
A maximum of 30 codes can be entered per form, if you want to register more than 30 products / services with us, please register several forms.
Only forms that are fully completed and correctly coded will be processed by us and stored in the supplier database.
Your details will be included in our supplier database and you will then be contacted by TotalEnergies if necessary.
For removal from this database and / or other questions you can send an email to: